The Constructivist 1100+ PNG Collage

The Constructivist – expressing complexity in simple shapes. A collection of 1100+ PNG objects inspired from the Constructivism and Suprematism art movements. If the names Malevich and Rodchenko sound familiar to you, you definitely should try this product. This collection is 100% unique on the digital assets market, there is nothing like it.

Even if the name is The Constructivist, the products in this series contain Suprematism art as well. Those two art movements, both originated from Cubism and Futurism are considered to be opposed. But we see them as one. Constructivism with its very pragmatic and practical art, where the abstract shapes have a single direction which together with other elements compose a unitary meaning. In Suprematism, on the other hand, the shapes must not have a meaning, but rather be free to define their own emotions, moving towards complete abstraction, creating a “sense of sensation” (like The Black Square of Kazimir Malevich). We see both of those as a metaphor to the human inner world, where the need for meaning is in constant opposition to the need for feeling.


1100+ PNGs Architecture People Hands Shapes Paper Backgrounds Industrial Machines Textures