Domillion is made with natural hand scratches that are perfect for beautifying your design. Domillion comes with 3 variations of accents, submitted Brush, SVG, and Clean, each of which has its own charm. Domillion Brush has a collection of very natural shapes that give a real touch of natural graffiti to each of your designs, while Domillion SVG has a more solid and elegant typical stroke from domillion brushes making the SVG domillion look more masculine, and the last is Domillion Clean. Become a complement to the Domillion Brush, which can give you a choice of sharper characters who are also sticky with Alternative characters and Swahs to beautify each stroke from domillion. Domillion is the perfect choice for posters, signatures, logos, quotes, album covers, business cards, product designs and other design projects with elegant charm that is sharp, classy, easy to read, stylish and unforgettable.
Foreign languages support : àáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ
- 3 Variation Domillion Brush Font
- Add more style to each font with OpenType Features – stylistic alternates, lowercase initial form and final form, ligatures.
- The perfect font choice for powerful projects – watermarks, signatures, photography, logos, business cards, quotes, album covers.
- Standard license – create as use as many of these fonts as you’d like on your own personal projects as well as any commercial ones for clients.What is include :
- Domillion Brush (Otf/Ttf/Woff)
- Domillion Brush SVG (Otf/Ttf/Woff)
- Domillion Clean (Otf/Ttf/Woff)
- Domillion Swash (Otf/Ttf/Woff)
- Domillion Swash SVG (Otf/Ttf/Woff)
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